Call for Papers – Wittgenstein: Beyond the Inner–Outer Picture, Seville 12-14 December 2018

In spite of Wittgenstein’s well known critique of its application to the problems of other minds and self-knowledge, the philosophical picture of the relation between the inner and the outer continues to exercise philosophers from the analytic and non-analytic European traditions.The conference Wittgenstein: Beyond the Inner–Outer Picture, to be held at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Seville, on 12-14 December 2018, will bring together prestigious academics and early career researchers working on the impact of Wittgenstein’s later philosophy of psychology on areas including epistemology, aesthetics, ethics and cultural studies. The conference aims to find ways of overcoming the picture of the inner and the outer in contemporary philosophical debates, such as those on intercultural understanding, the meaning of a work of art, the legitimacy of testimony as a source of knowledge, and feminism.

Invited speakers:
Josep Corbí (Universitat de València)
Alfonso García Suárez (Universidad de Oviedo)
Modesto Gómez Alonso (University of Edinburgh)
Michel ter Hark (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

António Marques (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Elise Marrou (Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV)
Sofia Miguens (Universidade do Porto)
David Pérez Chico (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Manuel de Pinedo (Universidad de Granada)
Neftalí Villanueva (Universidad de Granada)

Organizing committee: Carla Carmona (University of Seville), Jesús Navarro (University of Seville), Chon Tejedor (University of Valencia).

Scientific committee: Ángeles Jiménez Perona (Complutense University of Madrid), Óscar González Castán (Complutense University of Madrid), Nicolás Sánchez Durá (University of Valencia), Manuel Heras (University of the Basque Country).

Financed by:
VI Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Sevilla; Department of Metaphysics, Contemporary Philosophy, Ethics and Political Philosophy of the University of Seville; the researchs projects “Self-Knowledge, Moral Responsibility, and Authenticity” (FFI2016-75323-P)and “The Constitution of the Subject in Social Interaction” (FFI2015-67569-C2-1-P) funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. In cooperation with the Wittgenstein Initiative.


Please send your final text (max 4000 words) or a comprehensive summary (2000 words) plus a 100-word abstract by 15 September 2018 to: Papers will be accepted in English, Spanish or Portuguese. If you submit in Spanish or Portuguese, please include a 300-word abstract in English. All submissions to be formatted for blind review, including contact details on a separate page. Communication of acceptance: October 1st, 2018.